
Citizenship and Your Rights

Citizenship Attorney — Citizenship Rights in Nashville, TN

Before you apply for naturalization, you must meet all of the eligibility requirements, such as:

  • Are you at least 18 years old;
  • Are you a Permanent Resident of the United States and have a Lawful Permanent Resident Card
  • How long have you been a Lawful Permanent Resident
  • During the last five years, have you been out of the United States for 30 months or more
  • Have you resided in the state in which you are applying for the last three months
  • Can you read, write and speak basic English
  • Do you know the fundamentals of U.S. history and government
  • Are you a person of good moral character.

These and other requirements will determine if you are eligible to apply to become a citizen of the United States.

Contact us today at 615-321-0010 to schedule a free consultation and help you find out how we can help.

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